Our mission | Homework House’s mission and programs are firmly rooted in the social justice vision of our founders and our programs have been inspiring children, supporting families, and transforming our Holyoke community for almost 15 years. |
Homework House
Ways to help |
Homework House VolunteerEach year, over 200 community members volunteer their time and resources to helping Homework House kids. Volunteer opportunities are available Monday through Friday during the school year and in our summer program. |
About us | We believe that every child is capable of excellence in line with his or her unique gifts and talents; and that every child deserves access to high quality academic enrichment programs regardless of a family’s ability to pay or the neighborhood in which they live. Today, Homework House serves almost 90 youth each day at our two sites with the help of over 250 volunteer tutors. Homework House is an independent non-sectarian organization serving all children regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or gender. |
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