WestMass ElderCare, Inc.

4 Valley Mill Road, Holyoke, Ma 01040
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Our missionOur mission is “to preserve the dignity, independence, and quality of life of elders and disabled persons desiring to remain within their own community.”

WestMass ElderCare, Inc.

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Ways to help

Drivers wanted

WMEC's Meals on Wheels Program needs your help. We are actively recruiting both paid and volunteer drivers to assist with our Home-Delivered Meal Program. Our drivers are paid a competitive hourly wage plus mileage reimbursement. Volunteers are also welcome! Drivers are needed generally between 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM to deliver Meals On Wheels to homebound elders in Chicopee and Holyoke. https://www.wmeldercare.org/covid19/
  • Occasional, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays
How you helpAn Ombudsman visits residents of area nursing and rest homes every week to hear their concerns. They help to promote the belief that each of us has the right to a quality life, and that this right should be protected. Ombudsmen also believe that through their efforts, they can make a difference in the life of someone who needs them. Ombudsmen (Scandinavian word meaning representative of the people) are trained and certified by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. He/she receives and investigates complaints, in confidence, on behalf of residents, their families and other interested parties. They provide information and referral to connect people with available long term care and community resources.
About usThe agency offers a variety of services for elders, their families and caregivers, and persons with disabilities, so that they can remain in their homes and avoid institutionalization. The majority of WestMass ElderCare services target elders and persons with disabilities who are at greatest economic and social need, however the agency offers a full range of information and services.
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