Village Neighbors, Inc.

8 Wendell Rd, Shutesbury, Ma 01072
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Our missionVillage Neighbors was founded to help aging adults in our rural community to live for as long as possible in their homes. We are a member/volunteer run organization serving the residents of New Salem, Leverett, Shutesbury, and Wendel.

Village Neighbors, Inc.

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How you helpOur volunteers help members by providing transportation, helping hands for small tasks at home, friendly visits and computer help. Members call our virtual office to connect with our village call manager to arrange for a requested volunteer service. All of our volunteers are vetted and dedicated to helping seniors. Village Neighbors is completely member/volunteer run.
About usWe are a member of the Village to Village Network, linking it with over 200 open Villages and more than 150 Villages under development across the United States.
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