Our mission | JERICHO strives to bring dignity, respect and wholeness to the lives of people with disabilities and their families. We reach well beyond our thirty-eight beautiful acres of land in Holyoke to support everyone who needs it anywhere throughout Western Massachusetts. |
Jericho Bureau For Exceptional Children And Adults
About us | JERICHO, The Bureau for Exceptional Children & Adults is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in the late 1960's by Father Robert F. Wagner and Sr. Joan Magnani, ssj. Both recognized the critical need for religious education classes and services for people with special needs in Western Massachusetts, and through their work brought new awareness and previously unavailable support to those often ignored families and individuals. As the congregation grew, so did the programs and services. Over the years, thousands of families have benefitted from the programs, support and many services JERICHO has provided to individuals and families living with disability here in Western Mass. From our famous dances to special events, from trainings for all to group travel opportunities, or from religious education to parent support, JERICHO works diligently to remove the barriers for full inclusion for the disabled population throughout our community. Many families who participated in the initial offerings of JERICHO have gone on to define and establish the vital programs, agencies and services now providing for those with different abilities. |
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