Pioneer Valley Habitat For Humanity 

Our mission | Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with volunteers to build homes, communities, and hope in Franklin and Hampshire Counties. |
Pioneer Valley Habitat For Humanity
Ways to help | VolunteerPioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity relies on it's volunteers to build homes, but also to build our organization. Volunteers can: Help in the office, Work on fundraisers, Help at events, Help with families, Recruit other volunteers, Work with faith communities, Help build homes, or help with Other off-site projects. |
How you help | Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity relies on it's volunteers to build homes, but also to build our organization. |
About us | Working with our many partners, Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity builds strength, stability and self-reliance through home ownership in Hampshire and Franklin Counties. We are an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, an ecumenical organization that envisions a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Since 1989, Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity has built decent, affordable homes with 37 low income families in Hampshire and Franklin Counties. We build our homes with volunteer labor and donations of material, supplies, land, and services. At the onset of home building, a family is selected and enters into a long term partnership with Pioneer Valley Habitat. Future homeowners contribute 250 hours of labor during the construction of their home alongside volunteers from the community. Upon completion, the home is sold to the family with an affordable mortgage. Habitat is a hand-up, not a hand-out: the organization has a perpetual legacy in that all mortgage funds received are reinvested to build more homes. We are a housing organization helping to bring stability to families, bringing more stability into our neighborhoods and communities. |
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